Celebrity Footwear

Erica Diamond interviews Italian Footwear designer Anne B.

The person will just have to compete with others to get it not in a race but in an auction and the highest bidder wins. The Internet has given rise to the number of auction sites. The first and most popular is Ebay that sells more than 7 million items annually. The individual can become a member and find designer shoes such as Prada or Gucci there and get it after a few days after became declared as the highest bidder. 

They also have a couple of unique pairs of shoes which we could also attribute to as one of the main factors that helped fuel the popularity of the store. The store is quite a well-known for their catalogues of both men and women shoes made from exotic skins and genuine leather. You can easily find shoes made from crocodile, alligator and ostrich's leg skins at a discount on their website. 

Choose leather Although buying real leather can be more expensive than buying synthetic leather, the cost will be much cheaper in the long run because leather is more long lasting. You can actually use a pair of leather shoes for a long long time. Just make sure that you store them properly, in areas where it will not be moistened as real leather can become home to molds. 

IF THE SHOE FITS Ladies out there would definitely agree that shoes specifically wearing lady designer shoes are a crucial part of both her overall personality and a reflection of her self-image. Shoes can indeed change and affect a lady s personality and image that s why it is very crucial to make the right decision in buying lady designer shoes. 

It s no wonder that people would hold in high regard Italian made clothes, bags, shoes and accessories and would prefer them than any other local brand. Italian products have been associated with class, quality and excellent craftsmanship. It is said that Italy began to be a bastion of the fashion world when a certain Giorgini put on a fashion show in his Palace in Florence way back in 1951. 

Designer bags and shoes share the same fate. What has been showcased in fashion shows would come out in the streets as knockoffs in less than a month. Partly to blame is the lack of teeth of current laws on design theft. Designers are not protected by the law not the same way as their counterparts in the creative industry like the writers, artists and musicians.